GCEG Logo Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc. Queensland
Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Incorporated - Gympie Amateur Radio Club

GCEGinc. is a group of dedicated amateur radio operators and electronics enthusiasts operating in the Gympie, Wide Bay, Queensland area. The Gympie Amateur Radio Club promotes the hobby of Radio and contributes communications and technical support to the local Gympie community. Secondary communications support to emergency services during times of natural disasters is another capability of the organisation.

On this site you will find information about the Club and how to become a licenced amateur radio operator, news and digital feeds as well as Gympie visitor and flood information. The radio call-sign of the Club is VK4GYM.


Club Dates

Upcoming Club Diary Dates


Club Radio Systems Status

Radio & Digital Systems Status Updates


Become a Club Member

LED Call-sign Displays for sale




What is Amateur Radio all about?

What do we actually do?

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Watch this video to find out!

Items for Sale
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If your call-sign doesn't come up please try the NEW ACMA Call-sign Search

If you need assistance with communications or would like to help or join our group, please contact us now.

vk4gym facebook page link


© 2024 Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Original site content Greg Weir VK4GDW

Design RDSwebs.com